Corporation Tax applies to all Irish resident companies’ profits/gains and is a substantial part of trading costs. Our objective is to achieve a least tax policy by taking into account the many regulations that relate to corporate tax and we will calculate the corporate tax liability and assist with any payments that become due.
Recent robust investigation policies by the Collector-General’s office and harsher penalties for non-compliance mean that an undue amount of your accounts department’s time and resources can be taken up adhering to the tax regime. We offer the following range of services that will relieve this administration burden from your accounts department while at the same time minimising your corporate tax exposure.
Developing the most effective tax structure for your business.
Maximising tax opportunities and relief's.
Reducing tax on disposals and maximising relief on acquisitions.
Acting on your behalf in negotiations with the revenue commissioners.
Ensuring the optimum capital and / or revenue tax treatment.
Cash flow statements

You can arrange a telephone or face-to-face consultation with an expert by emailing or by clicking the button below and filling out our contact form.